Kamarova Nagbdu Sultansikhkyzy, Professor

Kamarova Nagbdu Sultansikhkyzy


Position: Professor of the Department of “Kazakh Philology”
Scientific title: Candidate of Philological Sciences (2001), Associate Professor (2011)
Teaching degree: “History of Kazakh literary criticism”, “Abaev studies”, “Theoretical foundations for the periodization of literary history”, “Fundamentals of academic writing”
Scientific interests: Theory of literature, Kazakh literature, world and Kazakh poetry, psychologism, lyricism, etc.
Scientific works: author of scientific articles on literary criticism, Kazakh poetry, Kazakh prose, educational and teaching aids in the state language, more than 50 articles published in journals, including in the Scopus database and publications, presented publications recommended by KOKSNVO MNVO RK republican and foreign journals, materials of international conferences.
Badge “Sauap” (2008), badge “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2009),
Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010), Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011), Badge “Y. Altynsarin” (2011), Badge “Sh. Yessenov” (2021), Badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “30 years of the Police of Kazakhstan” (2022), Letter of gratitude from MONRK (2022), Badge “For contribution to the development of science” (2024), Letter of gratitude from the akim Mangistau region (2010, 2013, 2022), Letter of gratitude from the rector of Yessrnov University (2019, 2021, 2022)

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