Isakova Asylymay
Academic title: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Subjects taught: “intercultural communication”, “spelling of the Kazakh language based on the Latin alphabet”, “fundamentals of philology”.
Publications: 1. The system of grammatical categories of the verb in Kazakh, Russian and English / / World Journal of English language (IJEMST) / ijemst.29 22 Journal title: ISSN: 2147-611X Q (quartile): Q2, % (percentile): 81, 2022, 13(2), pp. 120-126.
2. lexico-semantic representation of the mind/mind concept in Kazakh-English fantastic fairy-tale discourse//Bulletin of Abylaikhan, 4-2022.-ISSN 2411-8745 Print; – ISSN 2709-9245 online. DOI 10.48371/PHILS. TS 81’373 ISS 16.21.51 DOI 10.48371/PHILS.2022.67.4.007
3.The level of formation of linguistic personality of linguistic and cultural qualities // kaznu. Herald. Philology series. – No.7-8 (123-124) 2019. pp. 307-309.