Position: Associate Professor of the Department of “Kazakh Philology”
Teaching disciplines: “Syntax of the modern Kazakh language”, ” Theory and history of Kazakh writing”, “Introduction to Turkology”.
Key words characterizing scientific interests: areal linguistics, issues of syntax of the modern Kazakh language.
1. The mythical image of a dog and the cognitive interpretation of phraseological units related to the “dog” topic (based on the research of S. Kondybay) // Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference “The Legacy of Serikbol Kondybay: in the context of social and human sciences”, November 21, 2024.
2. Phraseologisms and the expression of national-cultural stereotypes in the works of Abish Kekilbayev // Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference “Creativity of Abish Kekilbayuly in the context of modern humanitarian research”, November 28, 2024.
3. The use of local dialects in the works of A. Kekilbayev.// Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference “Creativity of Abish Kekilbayuly in the context of modern humanitarian research”, November 28, 2024.
4. Poetic figures in the language of Mangistau zhyrau poets // Materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference “Epic traditions of the Turkic peoples and Muryn zhyrau”, November 29, 2024.
5. Symbolic connotation of phraseological units and aphorisms in the works of U. Kazzhanuly // Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference “Kanygul Zhamanbaeva and cognitive aspects of the functioning of language”, November 28, 2024.