Tokbaeva Larisa Kaskyrbaevna, Assistant Professor

Tokbaeva Larisa Kaskyrbaevna

Position: Assistant professor of the Department “Assembly of people of Kazakhstan”
Academic degree: Master of pedagogical and psychological sciences
Teaching disciplines: Philosophy
Scientific interests:” features of cultural dialogue in the multi-ethnic space of modern society (based on the experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”, historical and cultural monuments of Mangystau region
Scientific works:

  1. Assembly of people of Kazakhstan-the main mechanism for the formation of civil society

// Materials of the online international scientific and practical conference” Assembly of people of Kazakhstan: experience, current problems, development trends” Volume II December 2, 2020. Pp. 15-17.

  1. Taras Shevchenko’s contribution to Kazakh culture //materials of the online international scientific and practical conference Assembly of people of Kazakhstan: experience, actual problems, development trends” Volume II December 2, 2020.

Pp. 35-39.

  1. Formation of social cooperation of Student Youth // Mangystau newspaper 06.01.2022№1-2 (10078) 15page
  2. National code and identity in the era of globalization / / mirror of Education №5. May, 2022, page 33-41
  3. Formation of social cooperation among young people id=32795 May, 2022
  4. Philosophy textbook” business and law”. Aktau, 2022, P. 8, page 142

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