Kurbaniyazov Abilgazy Koptleovich, Professor

Kurbaniyazov Abilgazy Koptleovich


Position: Professor of the Department «International Relations and Tourism»
Scientific degree: Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Professor
Subjects of teaching: “Geography of international tourism”, “Recreational tourism”
Research: More than 80 articles (28 of them in the scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and RSCI, 17 in impact factor journals), 5 textbooks, 5 monographs. The Hirsch index (h-index) is 6
Publications: Тhe effect of syrdarya river runoff on the ecological state of waters the small Aral sea. -Нучный журнал- Известия НАН РК Серия геология и технических наук. №4 2022г. Стр. 136-152
SCOPUS «Changing Pattern of Water Level Trends in Eurasian Endorheic Lakes as a Response to the Recent Climate Variability». Remote Sens., Volume 13, Issue 18 (September-2 2021).
« Prospects for developing winter tourism in the karkaraly mountains, Kazakhstan ». GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, Year XVI, vol. 47, no. 2, 2023, p.493-498 ISSN 2065-1198, E-ISSN 2065-0817 DOI 0.30892/gtg.47216-1048.