Igdirova Oralai Bokenbaevna, Assistant Professor

Igdirova Oralai Bokenbaevna


Position: Senior Lecturer of the “World Languages” Department
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Teaching disciplines: Preparation for IELTS, Language for special purposes (C1-C2), Professional – oriented foreign language, Specialized – professional foreign language, Petroleum terminology, English for academic purposes.
Scientific interests: Modern methods with priority in foreign language teaching.
“Polish sciences” (ISSN 3353-2389) -2022.Title of the publication: “The importance of the development of intercultural communication in foreign language teaching”

March 25, 2019.Title of the publication: “Authentic text as a means of forming intercultural communicative competence in foreign language education” Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenev, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Cognitive linguistics in the context of modernization of social consciousness”.

Scientific journal “Izvestiya KazUMOIMYA named after Abylai Khan”, series “Pedagogical Sciences “2 (49) 2018, ISSN 2412-2149, title of the publication: Roles of authentic texts in the formation of foreign intercultural participation.

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