Amirbayeva Akerke, Assistant Professor

Amirbayeva Akerke

Position: Senior lecturer of the Department “International Relations and Tourism”
Scientific degree: Master of International Business in Hotel Management
Subjects of teaching: “International online reservation systems”, “ERP system in tourism”, “The hospitality industry”, “Religious tourism”, “Introduction to research”.
Research interests: competitiveness of tourism enterprises, rural tourism, cooperative relations of tourism enterprises.

  1. Amirbayeva A.A., Ryskulov S.К., Akhmetova K.A. Potential rural tourism resources of the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan. Problems of AgriMarket. 2023;(2):71-80.
  2. Amirbayeva A.A., Mutaliyeva L.M., Baitenova L.M. Competitive, cooperative, coopetition relations of tourist enterprises: bibliometric analysis. The scientific and practical journal “Central Asian Economic Review”. № 1 – 2023, Almaty.
  3. Amirbayeva А., Saparova G., Bekbusinova G. Determining the competitiveness of a hotel based on ratings of its characteristics: on the example of Aktau city. Economic series of the bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU, 3. – 2022, Аstana.
  4. A. Amirbayeva. Competitiveness of an enterprise and methods of its assessment. Innovation Academy of Kazakhstan. International scientific and practical conference “Kazakh science in the modern world: theory and practice”, Semey. November 27, 2020
  5. A. Amirbayeva. Analysis of strategic programs for tourism development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Results of current research and development. Collection of articles of the XIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Penza. May 27, 2021