Mambetova Altynai Ibragimovna, Head of the Department of “APK”

Mambetova Altynay Ibrahimovna


Position: Head of the Department “Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”

Academic degree: Candidate of Cultural Studies

Teaching disciplines: “History and Philosophy of Science”, “Philosophy”, “Cultural Studies”.

Key words characterizing scientific interests: semantic-typological features of the artistic culture of Kazakhstan; main aspects of the intercultural dialogue of modern society

Publications: Dialogue of cultures in non-verbal literary texts of the Eastern Caspian // “The Caspian region: new challenges, new opportunities”: Materials of the International Conference, Aktau: 2019. – P.5-9

Museumification issues of representative texts of the region’s cultural landscape // Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference “ The Museum of Saken – nation’s legacy”, 2018 — P.65-71

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