Mirzhakyp Bagdatuly, Assistant Professor

Mirzhakyp Bagdatuly


Position: assistant professor of the Department «Assembly of people of Kazakhstan»
Academic degree: Master of Social Sciences
Teaching disciplines: Сulturology, Philosophy, Service learning
Scientific interests:
– Study of social problems in society;
– Analysis of data from the fund of political public figures;
– The problem of interethnic relations in modern society;
Scientific works:

  1. «the importance of involving young people in the process of perception and interpretation of interethnic culture». Bulletin of the Abai KNPU 2019 No. 2 (61)247-252;
  2. personal funds of political public figures;
  3. projects based on the promotion of charitable ideas and moral values of Student Youth;
  4. the problem of cultural adaptation of our compatriots from abroad.

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