Spatayeva Saltanat, Vice-dean for educational affairs and public relations

Spatayeva Saltanat

Position: Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs and Public Relations
Academic Degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor at the Department of Kazakh Philology (Senior Lecturer)
Teaching subject: Kazakh Language, Academic Writing, Theory and Practice of Latin Graphical System.
Scientific topic:  onomastic signs in his writings of 15-17 centuries.

  1. Language teaching in non-Kazakh speaking groups using modular technology. “Ustaz enbegi” Republican scientific and methodological magazine, 2023
  2. The lexical-semantic character of the word “khoja” in onomastic signs in the Turkic periods. Materials of the scientific-practical conference “Orazmaganbet Turmaganbetuly – talented scientist-geologist, educator and public figure”. Aktau, KTIU, 2023
  3. Lexico-Semantic Characteristics of Onomastic Markers in Turkic Genealogies. Eсенов University Scientific Journal. No. 2 (47). – 2024. – Pp. 71-75. ISSN 1684-9299.

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