Yessenov University hosted an intellectual QUIZ game on the theme “Adaldyk alany”

On March 12, Yessenov University hosted an intellectual QUIZ game on the theme “Adaldyk alany”.

The purpose of the event is to form an anti-corruption culture through a popular intellectual game among young people, the development of honesty and integrity, the formation of a cult of knowledge and an intellectual environment among young people.

Altyngul Mendikhan, the head and presenter of the Kazakh quiz Bastime_aktau, is a strong, energetic journalist from our region who conducted an intellectual QUIZ game.  The game consisted of 6 stages. The contest participants, who needed quick wit and deep search, took an active part and took their knowledge seriously.

The guests of the event were the chief specialist of the Department, Prevention of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Mangystau region Mukatai N.T. and the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Languages Aitbayeva N.K., who conducted an intellectual QUIZ game, presented diplomas and prizes to the winners.

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