Booktrailer is a modern genre that attracts readers to reading by advertising any literary works or works of art using Internet technologies.
The goal is to promote newly published books and promote reading by paying special attention to books.
The main task of booktrailers is to interest and surprise the future reader, to pay attention to the storyline and characters of the artwork. When creating a booktrailer, you can use videos, illustrations, photographs, and book covers.
Under the guidance of students of the Philology-22-3 group of the University, Yesenov Sypatai Karlygash, Zhasulanova Akniet, Bidauletova Zeynep, Bisenbayeva Arai, Kurbanbai Lazzat and teachers of the department “Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” Tabyldieva O. D. and Arashova N.K. for the first time, a book trailer of Kairat Zholdybai’s book “Kemel Adam” was prepared.
In the book “Kemel Adam”, Kairat Zholdybaevich urges his reader to become a “perfect person”, explaining the qualities and characteristics of a perfect ideal person. The first part of the book explains the psychological barriers of growing up, and the second part outlines the importance, ways and conditions of health care. The third section presents the ways and mechanisms of effective use and time planning. The fourth section talks about financial literacy and how to effectively spend earned income. And in the fifth and sixth sections, emotional intelligence is explained in detail, that is, sobriety, mood, ways to manage your feelings and principles of communication. Each section is supported by the examples and principles of a spiritual teacher.