In order to instill in young people the qualities of honesty, integrity, fairness, fairness, honesty, formation of anti-corruption culture, on September 14, 2023 in Yessenov University Yessenov TaLf held a unified meeting “hour of integrity” for students of the Faculty of Tourism and Languages.
During the event it was explained to students that both the bribe-giver and the recipient under the law of RK “On Combating Corruption” are considered crimes, are punished in accordance with the requirements of the law, that in 1989 37 developed countries of the world signed the Convention on Combating Corruption in International Business, Kazakhstan, having joined this Convention, on July 2, 1998 took part in the competition “On Combating Corruption”. In the hour” Adaldyk “head of the student club” Sanaly urpak “Izturganova Gulnar gave explanations on the prevention of corruption, the ability to apply the law in life and urged students to clean and honest work.
Vice-dean of the faculty Baktoreev Zhanaman informed the students about the “social portfolio” and answered the questions of the students.
Students of the 1st year and senior curator of the department of “International Relations and Tourism” of Yessenov University Gulzira Yesetova took part in the Adaldyk hours.
At the end of the event was shown a video about the halym Sh. Yessenov.