On September 15, 2023, a curatorial hour was held for 2nd year students of the multilingual study group of the specialty “International Relations of the Caspian States” of the Faculty of Tourism and Languages of the Caspian University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov. During the curatorial hour, students were introduced with the Code of Academic Honesty of the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov. The tutor of the group, senior lecturer of the department of “International Relations and Tourism” Issayeva Lyazzat Nygmetovna told the students that the purpose of the Code is to create open, honest and trusting relationships between students, teaching staff, university employees, as well as to form an understanding of responsibility in matters of honesty in life. The tutor also spoke about the principles of academic honesty in the educational process, the rights and responsibilities of students and employees, and types of violations of academic integrity. The students were told about the need to observe this code, and were encouraged to develop common sense, justice, integrity, honest work, advanced education, and responsibility.