Kalym Murat Kulekeshuly, Senior lecturer

Kalym Murat Kulekeshuly


Position: Russian language teacher, Senior lecturer
Academic degree: senior lecturer
Teaching discipline: “Russian language” (Level A2)
Scientific interest: formation of moral qualities in students using advanced traditions of ethnopedagogy.
Use of new technologies in Russian language lessons.
Methodology of Russian language teaching in Kazakh groups.
“Comparative teaching of Kazakh and Russian” technology.
15-26.04.2019 – Certificate. National center of “Orleu” JSC. Topic: “A competent method of managing the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism among schoolchildren.”
10-21.06.2019 – Certificate. National center of “Orleu” JSC. Topic: “Competence method of school management within the framework of updating the content of education”.

  1. Diploma. Education center “Esse”. “For the 2nd place in the republican essay writing contest.”

2019 Certificate. Education center “Esse”. For participating in the republican essay writing contest for teachers, organized by the “Esse” educational conference.
2022 Thank you letter. Junior Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. “For preparing a winner for the 22nd regional scientific-practical conference of the Junior Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (1st place, student of the 11th grade Bekberdiev Rakhat.)

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