Dzhanaliyeva Gulmira Anuarbekovna, Senior lecturer

Dzhanaliyeva Gulmira Anuarbekovna

Position: Assistant Professor of “World Languages” Department
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Subject taught: “Innovative methods of RKI”, “Russian language”
Area of ​​scientific interests:
-Area of ​​studying the methods of teaching Russian language and literature (connection of theory with practice);
-Interest in studying the types of intelligence and thinking (search for methods of intellectual development and thinking as a process of cognitive activity in order to improve the quality of education)

  1. Scientific article “Basic principles of andragogy in the practice of teaching staff”. Dzhanaliyeva G.A. Republican scientific and practical journal “Y. Altynsarin izbasarlary”. Almaty, 18.05.2023
  2. Integrated lesson plan for the Russian language disciplines: “Syntactic analysis of a sentence” and Russian language methodology: “Practical lesson”. Aimukhanova A.A., Dzhanalieva G.A. Republican scientific and practical journal “Y. Altynsarin izbasarlary”. Almaty, January, 2023
  3. Coaching development “Differentiated approach as a means of improving the educational process in a Russian language lesson”. Dzhanalieva G.A. Republican scientific and practical journal “Y. Altynsarin izbasarlary”. Almaty, 18.05.2023.
  4. Integrated lesson plan for the Russian language disciplines: “Planning a Russian language lesson” and Stylistics and culture of speech: “Communicative qualities of speech (dialogue, monologue)”. Aimukhanova A.A., Dzhanalieva G.A. Republican scientific and practical journal “Y. Altynsarin izbasarlary.” Almaty, May 18, 2023

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