Konarshayeva Ainash Atabayevna
Position: Senior Lecturer of the “World Languages” Department
Teaching disciplines: “Language and its structure I: Phonetics and phonology”, “Theoretical phonetics”, “Basics of the theory of the target language”, “Practice of informative translation”.
Scientific interests: Methods of teaching foreign languages;
Publications: author of more than 50 publications and textbooks.
1.Psychologism in Modern Prose ISSN 2717-7564 Journal of Positive School psychology Vol. 6 No 5 (2022), pp 3682-3685 Q 2
2.Formation of pronunciation in English lessons using speech situations International Science Journal Warsaw, Poland
3.Role and place of pronunciation in teaching oral and written communication in english REPUBLICAN SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL JOURNAL «USTAZ ENBEGI» FEBRUARY 2023 №02 (153-journal)
4.Modern Technologies Teaching Foreign Languages International science journal ISBN – 978-9-40364-347-8
Professional development courses, trainings:
- TKT (Cambridge University ModulesI,II,III courses November 2019 academic year).
- Coursera certificates
- TESOL Certificate
- Course on “Modern innovative educational methods and techniques in solving pedagogical problems”
- Course on the topic “Modern innovative technologies in teaching students”.
6.Course on the program of professional development program for training of pedagogical staff within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of RK “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”.