Kadirova Bibigul Nurmukhanovna, Associate professor

Kadirova Bibigul Nurmukhanovna


Position: Associate Professor of the “World Languages” Department
Academic degree, academic rank: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Teaching disciplines: “Professional Russian language”, “Word formation and morphology of the modern Russian language”,
Key words characterizing scientific interests: semantic processes in lexicon and phraseology of the modern Russian language, active processes in word formation.
1.Professional communicative competence of the future specialist in conditions of polylingualism, Collection of NOU VPO RosNOU “Materials of the exhibition and presentation event to promote the Russian language and Russian education” (Vienna-Salzburg, Austria, April 15-19, 2013) – M.: Publishing House RosNOU, 2013.

  1. Paremiological objectivation of the concept “Family” in Russian, Georgian, Kazakh and English languages, International scientific-theoretical conference “Russian linguistics: theory and linguodidactics”, Almaty,

September 25-27, 2013, pp. 151-154.

  1. Encyclopedia of the word “Mangistau”: folklore aspect, Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference “Word, utterance text in cognitive, pragmatic and cultural aspects”, Chelyabinsk, May 21-23, 2014, pp. 459-462.
  2. Formation of professional communicative competence of students of maritime specialties on the basis of work with scientific text, Republican scientific and methodological seminar “Russian language and literature in modern Kazakhstan: theory, practice, methodology”, Almaty, February 27, 2015, pp. 89-93.
  3. Study of nautical terms and professionalisms in professional Russian language classes, The Fifth International Conference on Eurasian scientific development, Austria, Vienna, June 1, 2015, p. 137-139.

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