Tatanova Damet Maksutovna , Assistant Professor

Tatanova Damet Maksutovna


Position: Assistant Professor of the “World Languages” Department
Teaching disciplines: “Word formation and morphology of the modern Russian language”, “Syntax of the modern Russian language”, “Stylistics of the Modern Russian language”, “Russian language A2, B1”
Scientific interests: active methods of teaching the Russian language, prospects for the development of the modern Russian language
Publications: author of more than 30 publications and teaching aids, including scientific articles:

  • “Trends in the development of the Russian language in the context of globalization” Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Quality Management: Search and Solutions” in Los Angeles (California, USA), 2020;
  • Organizational forms, teaching methods and pedagogical technologies in distance learning. International scientific and pedagogical publication “Higher School of Kazakhstan” No. 3 – 2022.
  • The main ideas of K. Balmont’s creativity in the light of modern theories and hypotheses – a collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Problems and prospects for the development of the humanities and socio-economic sciences”. Belgorod. May 31, 2017;
  • Transformation of the image of a mythological cultural hero as a means of creating the image of a lyrical hero in the works of K. Balmont. European Journal of Social Sciences. No. 12 (51). Moscow, 2014. Etc.;

Educational and methodological manuals: “Development of cognitive activity of students in the process of studying the course “Russian language”, “Stylistics of the Russian language”, “Guide to the syntax of the Russian language”, “Russian language”.
Advanced training courses, trainings:

  1. “Modern development of inclusive education.” Yessenov University, 2023;
  2. “Modern requirements for the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids.” Yessenov universities, 2023;
  3. Course of the International Russian Language School “Russian language in educational and media communication”. APU, Astrakhan, 2023;
  4. The influence of information and psychological factors in education. Yessenov University, 2022;
  5. “Preparation of tutoring competence of a modern teacher using the Skillfolio program.” Aktau, Yessenov University. 2022;
  6. National Pedagogical Academy “Pedagogical Design”, Kurganbaeva G.A., Kanagatova A.M.. 2022;
  7. National Pedagogical Academy “Modern innovative methods and technologies of teaching”, Kurganbaeva G.A., Kanagatova A.M., 2021;
  8. Certificate of completion Elementary course in General English, YESSENOV LANGUAGE CENTER, 2021;
  9. Professional Practice: Professional Portfolio Defelopment, INO KUTI im. Sh. Yesenova, 2021;
  10. Successfully completed the course Getting published in journals with impact factor. prof. Tatyana Dronzina, Europartnerts 2007 foundation,2021;
  11. Theory and practice of creating online courses. Coursera. 2020 ;
  12. Development and improvement of teacher IT competence. Aktau, “Talap”, 2020;
  13. “Implementation of technical and vocational education programs developed on the basis of a modular-competency approach”, Kasipkor Holding, Aktau 2019.

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