Khachatryan Arfenia Karlenovna, Senior lecturer

Khachatryan Arfenia Karlenovna

Position: Senior Lecturer of the “World Languages” Department
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
Teaching disciplines: “Literature of the country of the studied language”, “Methodology of foreign language education”, “TKT 1”.
Scientific interests: methodology of English language teaching.
“The formation of cultural and communicative competence of students through teaching English”
“Development of monologue speech at English lessons”,
“Complex approach to teaching reading scientific and technical literature in a foreign language” in the edition “Young Scientist” – Russian periodical scientific journal.
“Social networks in the educational process at Yessenov University: pros and cons” “Bilim. Ǵylym. Innovatsıııa” Republican scientific and methodological journal
Professional development courses:
CELTA. TKT certificates

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