Abayeva Dinara Abayеvna, Teacher

Abayeva Dinara Abayеvna


Position: Lecturer of  the  “World Languages” Department, expert-teacher of Russian language.
Teaching discipline: Russian language
“Letter of thanks” No. 523. Astana 2023
For an active participation in the “Reasonable Teacher” contest among employees of the education sector, organized by the international scientific-informational, cognitive-educational magazine “Orleu- Orkendeu”
Diploma. № 0042 for the best publication “Transportnye sredstva” published in the national scientific-methodical magazine “Arna” of Almaty, RK
Diploma. 1st place. Astana 2023 No. 503 “Best Teacher” Magazine “Orleu Orkendeu”.
Certificate of honor. Shetpe village, 2019. Mangistau district education department.
Diploma. 1st place. Astana 2023 year № 498 “Best teacher” Scientific project competition held among students, higher and secondary education students Berdikhankyny Perizat, leader Abayeva Dinara Abaykyzy.
Letter of thanks No. 055 “О чем может платья одежда?” for the best publication
Certificate. Astana 2023 No. 513. Magazine “Rise and Prosperity”. For the best work by being active in the “Pedagogy – my choice” competition.
Certificate No. 00044 of the Mangistau Region Department of Education for participating in the Regional Olympiad of “Tilshi Mugalim” regional training-methodical and additional education center. 

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