Utesova Kymyz Usenovna
Position: senior lecturer of the “World languages” department
Teaching disciplines: “Basics of professional activity of the translator”; “Practice of written translation”; “Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication”; “Professionally-oriented foreign language”: “Foreign language А2,В1”.
Scientific interest: Translation works, new methods of teaching English.
Publications: the author of more than 25 scientific articles, teaching aids and methodical instructions on specialties of pedagogy, economics, oil and gas business, jurisprudence, and also has certificates, published articles at international conferences in far and near abroad and CIS countries.
Professional development courses, trainings: TKT professional development courses, TESOL (British Certification Company), more than 30 certificates of successful completion of open online courses in foreign languages on the basis of Coursera platform, Nazarbaev University.