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Tourism and languages

The city of Aktau is the country’s main maritime gateway and a tourist hub on the coastline. Tourism plays an important role in the economies of many countries around the world. Citizens of our country often mention that Kazakhstan is among the promising countries for developing sustainable tourism. The university has also been actively involved in the development of tourism in the region. To this end, by the decision of the Academic Council, the tourism and international relations departments of the “Business and Law” faculty and the language departments of the “Pedagogy” faculty were combined, and starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, the Faculty of Tourism and Languages was established. The first dean of the faculty was appointed as PhD in sociology, Turgalieva Akmaral Turgaybekovna. Currently, the dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Languages is Aitbaeva Nursaule Konarbaevna, a candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, and a graduate of the “Bolashak” international program.

Since 2021, with the support of the U.S. Embassy, the Master’s degree program in TESOL has been launched with the participation of American specialists to constantly improve the qualifications of the teaching staff. Elements of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) have been integrated into the educational process.


In response to requests from researchers, performers of traditional musical arts in Mangistau, and local residents, the educational program “Traditional Musical Arts” was introduced at the Department of Kazakh Philology at the Esenov University in the city of Aktau starting from the 2022-2023 academic year.

Currently, our faculty offers the following undergraduate programs:


  1. 6B01701-Kazakh Language and Literature;
  2. 6B02303-Kazakh Philology;
  3. 6B02101-Traditional Musical Arts;
  4. 6B01703-Russian Language and Literature;
  5. 6B01705-Foreign Languages: Two Foreign Languages;
  6. 6В11101-Tourism;
  7. 6В11103-Restaurant and Hotel Business;
  8. 6В03104-International Relations;
  9. 6B03105-International Relations of the Caspian Region.

At the Master’s level:


  1. 7М01701-Kazakh Language and Literature;
  2. 7M01703-Russian Language and Literature;
  3. 7М01704-Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages (TESOL).

The faculty is equipped with specialized classrooms dedicated to outstanding figures such as Ә. Kекілбаев, Ф. Оңғарсынова, Ғ. Айдаров, С. Керелбаев, and О. Тұрмағанбетұлы, who made significant contributions to the development of the country, as well as rooms like the Holiday Inn Hotel rooms, Turkish language audience, Azerbaijan Center, Iran-Persia room named after Molana, and the PICASP laboratory.


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